
Hi, my name is Mor and I’m a dog trainer!
I started training dogs when I was a teenager, and over the years I’ve trained my own and many of my friends’ dogs.
I never thought to make a profession out of it until I moved to the United States, where the opportunity presented itself and the rest, as they say, is history. 

After relocating to the United States, I was both impressed by the animal shelters I’ve seen, and saddened by the state of some of the dogs I’ve met.
That’s why, during my studying of dog training, I specialized in shelter dogs and it became my goal to keep these dogs in their forever homes by helping adopters solve behavior problems shelter dogs are more prone to develop.

My passion for dog training has led me to develop a passion for Rally Obedience! It is a fun way to practice obedience with your dog while having loads of fun together. I compete with my dog Chance, and we hope to achieve our RM/RAE in 2022.

I love dogs, and I love helping people better understand and communicate with their dogs. The bond between man and its best friend is one of the most rewarding relationships we can experience, and I want to help YOU make the absolute best of it!

Lets get you started today